Answers 4 Today would like to send you some 
     free inspirational literature so you can discover 
     God's amazing promises and learn more about 
     your new life with Christ.

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You have made an exciting decision to say yes to God's offer 
of eternal life through His Son, Jesus Christ.  This is the beginning of a 
new life for you, a lifelong adventure of getting to know God and an 
eternity of living and growing in Him. 

You are now a child of God.  Today you have begun to experience God's wonderful love and forgiveness.  By receiving Christ as Savior and 
Lord you are assured of everlasting life with Him in heaven.                 

           He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the
           Son of God does not have life.   I write these things to 
           you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that 
           you may know that you have eternal life.   1 John 5:12,13 

In summary, when you received Christ by faith as an act of your will, 
many wonderful things happened including the following:  
       1.  Christ came into your life.  Colossians 1:27             
       2.  Your sins were forgiven.   Colossians 1:14             
       3.  You became a child of God.  John 1:12             
       4.  You received eternal life.  John 5:24             
       5.  You began the great adventure for 
            which God created you.  John 10:10b  

We do not earn God's love and forgiveness by our good works. Salvation is a gift from God which we receive by faith.   Once we have received Christ as Savior, we do not need to invite Him in again.  His 
He promises, 
"I am with you always, to the very end of the age"   Matthew 28:20b

To help you grow in your new life in Christ:               

  1. Study His Word, the Bible, and obey His commands.         2. Go to Him daily in prayer, trusting Him for every 
      detail of your life.           
  3. Get involved in a Bible-believing church and    
      fellowship with other believers. 

Spreading "the Good News".
Everywhere you go you can help others discover the true destiny for 
which they were created by sharing the claims of Jesus Christ and introducing them to the revolutionary way He changes lives.




      Thank you for visiting              

A Promise
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Answers 4 Today
You have just taken hold of an eternal promise. 

The Bible says, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Rom.10:13   If you asked Christ to come into your life and believe He died to save you, you are a Christian, bound for Heaven.  This is one of the wonderful promises God has given to those who believe in Him.

                 Welcome to the family of God!

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